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Writer's picture: jaciouttherejacioutthere

Reinventing yourself; it sounds a little cliché but it’s not. How do you take someone - yourself - and change course? Steer yourself away from your comfort zone to something new, something out of your realm. Remember you are the most normal person you know and everyone else is, well… foriegn. Stepping out of our protective cloak and choosing a new path is filled with risk and surrounded by the unknown. It requires more than a little faith and the ability to reinvent yourself, adapting to the new and changing landscape.

We all have a past regret or two and I have a few that touch me daily. It is our nature to ponder, to rehash, to be introspective; what if I had made a different decision? Maybe we find ourselves where we are today because it's the journey we were always meant to follow, our path. But I don’t believe we have only one option, or even two, at any given time. For me the trick is not to regret the paths I choose. Not to shy away from what might seem too scary to follow. To have faith in my decision and that, like a lighthouse, it will lead me to safe waters. And, as for pondering those decisions, remember that for most of us we have, as Kristin Newman wrote, to choose between doing something awesome or something awesome.

I am here. This is me and this is my life. No, it’s not stable and it’s not always easy. It’s constantly filled with the need to make new decisions; decisions that sometimes are huge and scary. Decisions that can dramatically impact our finances, our safety, and even our lives. A small seemingly insignificant change in course or plan can result in sizable unforeseen ramifications later. My fears are sometimes more than I want to handle but I trust in this magnificent vessel that carries us through wild seas. This is where my faith comes into play, trusting yourself and not letting the fear dictate your choices (or lack thereof).

We have been crossing borders in the past two months. Navigating into new unknown territories for us, never quite sure of the rules and if we are permitted to enter, and under what procedures. From Spain to France to Italy; we are living on the sea, constantly adapting our sail plan to accommodate wonderful Mother Nature and her wicked sense of humour. Sometimes the savage conditions keep sleep away, but wow, the places we would never have otherwise been exposed to make it all so very worthwhile.

I never imagined that I would become a skipper and be able to navigate in these seas, in love with nature and at one with my environment (especially the dolphins we encounter along our path). I was always the corporate achiever, wanting more possessions to prove I was worthy, that my sacrifices had meaning. Measured by the next accomplishment, promotion, and commission cheque as missed experience sailed past. Looking back now I wish I had focused less on material and social stockpiling; less on work title, sporting achievement and social standing. More on loved ones each quality time. I regret missed opportunities, of not making more of a positive difference to the lives of others, not reinventing myself sooner.

As we chase our dream I am grateful to those special people that have made the effort to join us, to share a moment of our unusual way of life. To such a beautiful person - Clair, amazing Tony and delightful Leo, when you spend time with us I am reminded of how loved we are. Thank you, you will never know how much this means to us, what a difference you make in our lives. And boy have we had fun and laughs and have never missed an opportunity for yet another photoshoot with Clair!

Along the way across those nautical miles we have made memories, enjoyed crazy adventures and created ccnnections with strangers who have joined our lives as friends. We have realized that neither distance nor country limit relationships built with people that we have encountered and have remained in touch with. Meeting different nationalities with their wonderful cultures has further broadened the experience. Yes, remember the 8 Frenchmen- they were awesome 😉.

Ignoring the scary pictures, it’s my biggest hope that I can have a positive impact on others, however small or large. That I can inspire others to believe in themselves and take the risks required to follow a dream, or make a change that maybe they’ve been avoiding or procrastinating over. If life has taught me anything it’s that the truly worthwhile choices are the hardest to make and, once committed, you always end up wondering why you didn’t do this sooner. It is just like that famous quote from Lucille Ball:

“I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't”.

And so there are so many wonderful things on the horizon as we look forward to the friends we are yet to make on this journey and those dear to us that soon we will see again. For us, right now, this is the life! This is our reality! It might not be yours, but go out and find it. Find yours and live it before it slips away - before you can no more.

So this is why I have written this blog because its worth it no matter what. Whatever dream you have, hold it close and manifest it. It may not come overnight but if it’s achievable - believe. But more than that hold yourself accountable and even more importantly surround yourself with other dreamers who tenaciously pursue things that make you come alive and you will be surprised by what life holds.


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If your dreams do not scare you - they are not big enough!

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