Going against the grain is something I have always done, albeit not always with successful outcome. At times however it's not that easy.

When you take the path less travelled you are faced with your fears and doubts but even harder on top of that with others fears and doubts.
Sometimes the decisions you make leave you feeling uncertain but something inside you drives you to continue and to continue along that path. These inner emotions reassure to keep going and to put those voices aside and listen to your heart.
“Regret of opportunities missed when your soul is calling will destroy who you are as a person.”
Kevin and I have decided to travel down the road less travelled and I think that many people while they admire what we are doing would never choose it for themselves. The immense sacrifices we have made of the immediate access to loved ones has to be the most difficult thing in the universe.
That within itself is the reason we will be successful as this is our story, our life to live and out of this will come the motivation- even if it is for 1 person to be a little braver in believing in themselves to put into action the need to follow their dreams - to dwell on who they are and why they are.
“You have one life and let it fulfil you..”
The great unknown
I know we will want to give up many times as no matter how much research we did upfront, we are still overwhelmed by the unknown. It will not be smooth sailing at any stage and I know that we have chosen a difficult path but I am ready for it and the journey we take is for a purpose- be it one we are still to realise.
I look forward to our journey as a couple and the growth together as one with a single goal - to live our dream together. Our boat GypsyDjango as our home is a truly magnificent privilege and one which will create many different opportunities for adventures while we sail the Mediterranean and absorb the unknown with every day as a new day.
We are here today and we did it by working hard, loving life and respecting what we want for our future. Our timing is now and we have to take the good with the bad, the excitement with the fear.
I look forward to the moment when we wake up and realise we have done it! I don't know if I will ever be able to describe the feeling.
Embracing the future, looking forward to all of the adventures that lie ahead of us and as we approach the night anchorage to whichever place we will spend the night, another beautiful sunset, another beautiful sunrise in a pristine bay.